According to the European Environment Agency (2016), agriculture has a direct effect in climate change, being responsible of 10% of the EU’s greenhouse-gas emissions. The waste of citrus farming, mainly eliminated through controlled burning or crushing (to add to the field), generate considerable amounts of influential greenhouse gases as methane and nitrux oxide.

At the same time, employment in the environmental goods and services sector in the EU has been growing by 20% since 2000, providing nowadays 4.2 million jobs (Eurostat, 2018). Nevertheless, although there is a general consensus about the benefits of green employment, specialists highlight the “green skills gap” and the urgent need of upgrading the competences required for the eco-industry (EU Green Week, 2017).


The general goal of CitriVET is to develop, transfer and implement innovative practices that enhance agricultural VET studies through the transformation of citrus waste in bioproducts (essential oils, biofuel and animal food).

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To promote the professional development of VET teachers strengthening their competences to introduce in VET curricula the transformation of citrus waste.

Reinforce The Employability

To reinforce the employability of VET students through high-quality international work-based practices in the field of citrus waste valorisation.


To strengthen the acquisition of key competences (English language, digital literacy) in agricultural VET studies, including disadvantaged learners.